NV053 – Improving the Commercialisation of Post and Plate Mass Timber Building Systems via Digital Twin Simulation
Lead organisation – Timber Development Association NSW Ltd
Principal researcher – Andrew Dunn, Timber Development Association NSW
Project description – Develop a buildable and efficient construction sequencing, in digital form, of two new mass timber building systems, Rothoblass’ Spider and Xlam Australia’s Band Beam, to inform each system’s structural design, construction and commercialisation. Both systems show promise in structural terms but require further development to be efficient and practically achievable in terms of installation onsite.
NV054 – Investigation of preservative treated plantation timber fencing and sleeper markets in bushfire prone areas
Lead organisation – Wood Products Victoria Ltd
Principal researcher – Paul England, EFT Consulting
Project description – Undertake appropriate research and testing to provide the technical justification and specifications to confirm the safe use of preservative treated softwood timber fencing & sleeper products in bushfire prone areas.
NV055 – Autonomous detection and deterrent devices for browsing management in forested landscapes
Lead organisation – University of Tasmania
Principal researcher – Assoc Prof Julianne O’Reilly-Wapstra, University of Tasmania
Project description – Develop and test autonomous surveillance, detection and deterrent mechanisms to assess deer use of heterogenous forested landscapes and develop new options to reduce the impacts of these pests.
NV057 – Fire, acoustic and structural performance of prefabricated plantation Shining Gum advanced timber composite (ATC) floor systems
Lead organisation – TPC Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd
Principal researcher – Boris Iskra, TPC Solutions
Project description – Develop, test and validate the fire, acoustic and structural performance of innovative prefabricated plantation Shining Gum advanced timber composite (ATC) floor systems for use in multi-storey buildings.
NV059 – Harnessing the power of airborne high spatial resolution hyperspectral imagery for the softwood plantation industry
Lead organisation – The University of Melbourne
Supporting organisation – HVP Plantations
Principal researcher – Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada, The University of Melbourne
Project description – Using state of the art hyperspectral and thermal sensors mounted on a light aircraft, the project will develop an operational method for detecting nutrient deficiencies and stress in radiata pine plantations.
NV063 – Strengthening forestry and bioeconomy connections through efficient energy production and use
Lead organisations – Federation University Australia & University of Technology Sydney
Principal researchers – Dr. Rakibuzzaman Shah, Federation University Australia and Assoc Prof. Jahangir Hossain, University of Technology Sydney
Project description – The project will test feasibility of a highly efficient, dispatchable and scalable energy system for the timber industry using biomass by-products from mills and manufacturing processes and optimal energy management.
NV068 – Understanding Soil Resources for Radiata Pine Plantation productivity
Lead organisation – Federation University Australia
Principal researcher – Assoc Prof Peter Dahlhaus, Federation University Australia
Project description – A case study that correlates Australian soils and climate datasets with Gippsland soils and growth data to derive datasets for plantation forestry management activities, applicable for most growers in Australia. The project will enable growers to utilise publicly available soils data, saving millions of dollars in field data collection normally required for foundational underpinning of many operational and modelling functions.
NV069 – A feasibility study of a commercially available remote-controlled and high-rate tree pruning unit to create fuel modified zones in softwood plantations
Lead organisations – Sylva Systems Pty Ltd
Principal researchers – Mr Braden Jenkin, Sylva Systems Pty Ltd
Project description – An industry driven evaluation of remote-controlled high pruning technology in softwood plantations to create fuel modified zones, reducing fire risk while improving suppression; OHS applicability (including engineering modifications) and cost.
NV070 – Innovative nursery management solutions to sustainably manage root disease, improve nursery utilization, and enhance resilience and productivity of planted pines
Lead organisations – Western Sydney University
Principal researchers – Mr Jonathan Plett, Western Sydney University
Project description – The project will develop evidence-based management strategies to combat root rot disease establishment in nursery stock and spread to plantations sites optimising the balance of fertiliser, fungicide and beneficial microbe treatments.
NV072 – Sustained productivity gains in softwood plantations through enablement of single-step genomic selection
Lead organisations – Treebreeding Australia
Principal researchers – Dr Richard Kerr, Treebreeding Australia, Dr Josquin Tibbits, DPIVIC and Dr Dominic Kain HQ Plantations
Project description – The project forms an important part of a series of planned research projects that aim to, at least, double the rate of genetic gain in pine breeding in Australia. This project will focus on the extensive Gippsland network of trials and orchards to further implement cutting-edge single-step genomic selection, provide pedigree and identity assurance for the radiata pine breeding and deployment populations and deliver new high throughput sample processing methods.
NV073 – Evaluation of commercial opportunities for laminated veneer lumber from underutilized small diameter resource in Gippsland
Lead organisations – Radial Timbers Australia
Principal researchers – Dr Benoit Belleville, The University of Melbourne
Project description – The project focuses on testing the potential to process smaller logs from plantations, farms, private native forests and native forest thinning in Gippsland using spindleless lathe technology to generate LVL and its potential use in residential and commercial construction.
NV081 – Identify, measure and model critical elements required of plantation forestry to maintain a social license for plantation operations and expansion in Gippsland
Lead organisations – Federation University Australia
Principal researchers – Gordon Hickey
Project description – This project aims to characterise the social licence to operate (SLO) for Gippsland’s forestry industry at present. This is a critical juncture – a time of phasing out of native forest harvesting and subsequent almost exclusive reliance on plantation-grown timber, necessitating an expansion of the pine plantation estate. Such expansions have created dissatisfaction in some parts of Australia in the past. This critical evaluation of current SLO components will be used to evaluate models for building and maintaining community support for Gippsland’s evolving forestry industry. It is envisaged that a later project would evaluate the effectiveness of measures proposed in this project to improve forest industry social licence and provide guidance for future plantation expansion in other regions.
NS020 – Solutions for the optimal use of dense, remotely acquired data by forest growers (Jointly with Launceston Centre Project NT001)
Lead organisation – NSW DPI Forestry/ University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Dr Christine Stone, NSW DPI Forestry / Dr Jim O’Hehir, University of South Australia
Project description – Rapidly advancing remote sensors on UAV, airborne and satellite platforms are providing high fidelity data in terms of spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. A trans-Tasman team of remote sensing specialists, data scientists and forest industry service providers will ensure the delivery of multiple task specifications and procedures for the operational implementation of these technologies by the forestry sector.
NS020-Solutions for the optimal use of dense, remotely acquired data by forest growers-Final Report
NS021 – Future Proofing SA Blue Gum Plantations through improved detection of koalas in early planning and forestry operations
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Assoc Prof Delene Weber, University of South Australia
Project description – The project will undertake a systematic evaluation of traditional methods and emerging technologies for detecting koalas in blue gum plantations. Results of the evaluation will be used to develop and further test the successful technology.
NS023 – Wearable sensors for improving occupational health and safety of workers in the forestry industry: a pilot prototype for harvesting and processing operations
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Prof. Chris Chow, University of South Australia
Project description – The project will evaluate workwear embedded with smart sensors for monitoring workplace health and safety hazards. The potential to provide direct early warning advice to individuals will be evaluated.
NS023 – Wearable Sensor Factsheet
NS024 – Optimising the management of plantation, water and environmental assets
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Dr Baden Myers, University of South Australia
Project description – The project will enable the industry to commercially manage plantation, water and natural wetland assets and be recognised by other licenced water users, the community and water regulator as working within the social licence. The project will develop high spatial resolution (25m) and high temporal frequency (every 8 days) actual evapotranspiration regional estimates for the entire Green Triangle to better close the regional water balance.
NS025 – Development of best practice guidance for protective guarding of mobile plant used in Australian forests
Lead organisation – Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA)
Principal researcher – Mark Brown, University of the Sunshine Coast
Project description – The project will identify appropriate standards for the design of operator protective structures for heavy machinery used in the Australian forest industry and develop a Best Practice Guideline for publication.
NS026 – Development of a timber industry sector framework for setting carbon emissions targets using the Science Based Targets initiative
Lead organisation – Edge Environment Pty Ltd
Principal researcher – Jonas Bengtsson, Edge Environment
Project description – The project will develop life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions mitigation targets, aligned with International best practice (SBT initiative), for use and adoption by the Australian timber industry to maintain timber’s position as a preferential product.
NS026 – Timber industry sector framework for setting C emissions targets – Final Report
NS031 – Options for Operating Efficiently and Sustainably with Forest Water License Rules
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researchers – Courtney Regan and Jeff Connor, University of South Australia
Project description – The project will report on economic value of water accounting and licencing options industry can propose. The project will develop a spread-sheet application for forest industry to evaluate economics of responses to new water licencing requirements.
NS032 – Characterising Softwood Sawn Products in Australia
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Assoc Prof. Rameez Rameezdeen, University of South Australia
Project description – The project will establish the physical and mechanical properties of a nationally pooled Australian structural softwood timber sample to validate its compliance with the design standards specified in AS1720.1-2010: Timber Structures – Design Methods
NS033 – Development and implementation of forest health and biosecurity systems and protocols based on quantitative pest risk and economic impact assessment
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Dr Jim O’Hehir, University of South Australia
Project description – The project will develop a Green Triangle focussed integrated forest health and biosecurity system (including response scenarios) utilising pest spread forecasts and economic impacts to plantation (profitability, control costs and loss of markets).
NS034 – Scoping an Automated Forest Fire Detection and Suppression Framework
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Dr Jim O’Hehir, University of South Australia
Project description – The project will deliver a feasibility and cost benefit study aimed at innovative forest fire detection technological solutions and optimisation of forest fire controlling decision making processes.
NS034_Scoping an Automated Forest Fire Detection and Suppression Framework_Final Report
NS038 – Development of state-of-the art genomic resources for pine breeding to enable single-step genomic selection
Lead organisation – Southern Tree Breeding Association Inc.
Principal researcher – Dr Tony McRae, STBA
Project description – The project aims to double the rate of genetic gain in the pine breeding program in Australia via an across industry rollout of a low-cost, high-throughput SNP genotyping assay and modern, single-step genomic selection methods.
NS052 – Development of best practice fatigue management for the Australian Forest Industry
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – A/Prof. Jillian Dorrian, University of South Australia
Project description – The project aims to double the rate of genetic gain in the pine breeding program in Australia via an across industry rollout of a low-cost, high-throughput SNP genotyping assay and modern, single-step genomic selection methods.
NS085 – Addressing the safety risks of multiple in-cab “driver assist” devices in the Australian Forestry Industry
Lead organisation – Central Queensland University
Principal researcher – Professor Anjum Naweed
Project description – The project aims to address the increasingly complex, multiple, overlapping, automotive and how driver assist technologies in the log truck cab can introduce safety risks. This project will identify where and how safety can be improved.
NS087 – A development program for future revision of AS/NZS 4063.1:2010 Characterization of structural timber Part 1: Test methods
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – A/Prof. Rameez Rameezdeen
Project description – This project will collect data to support a future revision of AS/NZS 4063.1:2010 so that the assumptions in AS1720 and AS1684 are valid and less onerous than test methods currently in place.
NS088 – Enhancing softwood and hardwood plantations site productivity and subsequent operational efficiency by use of an innovative clean-row establishment ‘system’
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Dr Jim O’Hehir
Project description – The project will evaluate (safety, sustainability, establishment system efficiency & growth) of mechanical treatment of evenly distributed harvest residues by sweeping into rows to create a residue clear tilled row for subsequent operations.
NS089 – Evaluation of remote sensing approaches for plantation health surveillance
Lead organisation – Flinders University
Principal researcher – Dianne Patzel
Project description – This project will compare a range of satellite and airborne remote sensing methods with traditional forest health assessment methods to evaluate their relative costs versus benefits in plantation health surveillance.
NS090 – Weed Identification Using Remote Sensing
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Prof Anthony Finn
Project description – The project will build on the successful software, PINT, which detects and locates newly planted seedlings and identifies areas of missing trees to offer better prescriptions and reduced herbicide.
NS091 – Plantation water use estimation and measurement for plantation forests
Lead organisation – University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Dr Baden Myers
Project description – The project will refine plantation water use estimation tools, conduct plantation water use measurement and investigate relationships between water stress and disease.
NS095 – Research, development and validation of 8-star rated architectural products maximising the use of out-of-grade timber
Lead organisation – Swinburne University of Technology/ University of Tasmania
Principal researcher – Professor Blair Kuys
Project description – Design and develop multiple architectural product concepts prioritising the use of out-of-grade timber to transform manufacturing capability to growth areas in architecture – namely, the fabrication of products, components and subassemblies to meet a minimum energy efficiency rating of 8-stars.
NS096 – Developing more productive plantation trees better adapted to changing environments
Lead organisation – Tree Breeding Australia
Principal researcher – Dr Milos Ivkovic
Project description – This research will support a scaling up of phenotyping, genotyping and tree breeding activities to double the current rate of genetic gain and bring forward productivity increases in softwoods and hardwoods. It will also expand the range of site types (network of field trials) for testing genetic material given there is limited land available to enable industry expansion. Better adapted varieties of trees will deliver more resilient plantations should production environments become more challenging with climate change.
NT001 – Solutions for the optimal use of dense, remotely acquired data by forest growers (Jointly with Mount Gambier Centre Project NS020)
Lead organisation – NSW DPI Forestry/ University of South Australia
Principal researcher – Dr Christine Stone, NSW DPI Forestry / Dr Jim O’Hehir, UNISA
Project description – Rapidly advancing remote sensors on UAV, airborne and satellite platforms are providing high fidelity data in terms of spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. A trans-Tasman team of remote sensing specialists, data scientists and forest industry service providers will ensure the project delivery of multiple task specifications and procedures for the operational implementation of these technologies by the forestry sector.
NS020-Solutions for the optimal use of dense, remotely acquired data by forest growers-Final Report
NT004 – Optimising machinery configurations for profitable harvesting operations of small-scale plantations
Lead organisation – University of the Sunshine Coast
Principal researchers – Dr Mauricio Acuna, USC
Other participants – Private Forest Tasmania
Project description – The project will provide guidelines and a web-based decision support tool (DSS) to effectively select harvesting equipment configurations for smaller, more dispersed woodlots. This may improve profitability for landowners, contractors, consultants, forest companies and potential machinery co-operatives.
NT010 – Conceptualise and develop a functioning model for collaborative integrated pest management within the Tasmanian forest industry
Lead organisation – Technical Forest Services Pty Ltd
Principal researcher – Justin Bailey, TFS
Project description – The project will develop an innovative integrate pest management model to provide prompt information to stakeholders on pest and disease status across all land tenure. Enabling timely and co-operative management activities.
NT010 – Integrated Pest Management Model in Tasmanian Forest Industry – Final Report
NT011- Unlocking Financial Innovation in Forest Products with Natural Capital
Lead organisation – CSIRO
Principal researcher – Dr Libby Pinkard, CSIRO
Project description – The objective of the project is to unlock investment in the non-timber natural capital value of Australian forest resources, by developing methods and tools for forest owners and investors to cost-effectively assess, monitor and manage natural capital risks and opportunities.
NT011 Factsheet Australian Forestry Natural Capital Risk Assessment
NT011 Natural Capital Risk Assessment – Australian Forestry Technical Report
NT011 Opportunities for Natural Capital Financing in the Forestry Sector Technical Report No 2
NT011 The Forestry Natural Capital Handbook Technical Report No 3
NT011 – Unlocking Financial Innovation in Forest Products with Natural Capital – Final Report
NT013 – Sensing technology and digital tools to support decision-making in hardwood timber drying
Lead organisation – Sustainable Timber Tasmania
Principal researcher – Professor Gregory Nolan, University of Tasmania
Other participants – Britton Timbers; McKay Investments Pty Ltd; Neville Smith Forest Products (NSFP); Porta Timber, Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board.
Project description – The Tasmanian based project aims to develop and validate a timber drying technology suite with an accompanying decision support tool ‘app’, for higher value product recovery across the wider timber industry in Australia and overseas.
NT014 – Increasing the durability, and other material characteristics of Tasmanian hardwoods
Lead organisation – Britton Timbers
Principal researcher – Professor Gregory Nolan, University of Tasmania
Other participants – Koppers; Neville Smith Forest Products; Sustainable Timber Tasmania; Ta Ann Tasmania; Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board; University of Melbourne; with Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Project description – The project focuses on increasing the desirable material characteristics of Tasmanian hardwood species: Tasmanian oak and plantation hardwoods, for use in several product groups: sawn appearance board, cladding, veneer-based products and glue assembled products: glulam and cross laminated timber (CLT).
NT015 – Developing a New Generation of Tasmanian Appearance Hardwood Products for In-State Design and Manufacturing
Lead organisation – Neville Smith Forest Products
Principal researcher – Dr Louise Wallis and Dr Mark Sawyer, University of Tasmania
Other participants – Britton Timbers; Forico; McKay Investments; Porta Timber; SFM Environmental Solutions; Sustainable Timber Tasmania; Ta Ann Tasmania; Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board; University of Melbourne
Project description – The project will develop a new generation of hardwood appearance products for manufacture in-state using current and new technologies from the available native, reclaimed, and plantation resources.
NT016 – Developing Laminated structural elements from fibre-managed plantation hardwood
Lead organisation – CLTP Panel Products Pty Ltd
Principal researcher – Dr Hui Jiao, University of Tasmania
Other participants – Britton Timbers; Neville Smith Forest Products
Project description – The project will develop the grading, jointing and gluing expertise and results necessary for the production of structurally reliable glue laminated elements from boards from a fibre-managed plantation hardwood resource.
NT016-Developing laminated structural elements from fibre-managed plantation hardwood- Final Report
NT018 – A forest resource characterisation of Tasmania – Stage 1 of 2. Feasibility
Lead organisation – Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board
Principal researcher – Associate Professor Julianne O’Reilly Wapstra, University of Tasmania
Other participants – Britton Timbers; Forico; Neville Smith Forest Products; Porta Timber; Private Forests Tasmania; Reliance Forest Fibre; SFM Environmental Solutions; Sustainable Timber Tasmania; Ta Ann Tasmania
Project description – This project is Stage 1. Feasibility of a two part project on developing more accurate and reliable models that can provide estimates of hardwood log outputs alignment to primary product outcomes, from both private and publically owned native forest and plantation hardwood estates, by region and location. This stage shall collect, collate and compile available existing data and information on the Tasmanian estates.
NT018 – A forest resource characterisation of Tasmania – stage 1 of 2. Feasibility – Final Report
NT042 – Eagle Eye – Applying the Internet of Things to landscape scale Wedge-tailed eagle management
Lead organisation – Sustainable Timber Tasmania
Principal researcher – Dean Williams, Sustainable Timber Tasmania
Other participants – DPIPWE Tas; Forico; Forest Practices Authority; Indicium; Midway Tasmania; Newood; Norske; Private Forests Tasmania; TasNetwoks; Timberland pacific; Reliance Forest Fibre; Resource Management Service.
Project description – The project will utilise wireless Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) remote sensing technologies to improve Wedge-tailed eagle (WTE) management options for forestry and electricity network industries, by detecting and reporting WTE nesting activity.
NT043 – Short Log Supply Chain Impacts in Hardwood Plantations
Lead organisation – University of the Sunshine Coast
Principal researchers – Dr Mauricio Acuna, USC and Dr Glen Murphy, USC
Other participants – Forico and Sustainable Timbers Tasmania
Project Description – The project will answer the question “will the additional value and volume recovery generated from an increased mix of short logs from hardwood plantation forests outweigh any additional supply chain costs?”
NT043 – Short Log Supply Chain Impacts in Hardwood Plantations – Final Report
NT044 – Assessing the economic impact of damage to Eucalyptus nitens logs during mechanised harvesting operations
Lead organisation – University of the Sunshine Coast
Principal researcher – Dr Mauricio Acuna, USC
Other participants – Sustainable Timber Tasmania
Project Description – The project will deliver improvements to practices and equipment to reduce log damage to Eucalyptus nitens logs during mechanised harvesting, improving profitability for landowners, forest growers, contractors and machine manufacturers.
NT045 – Managing timber’s moisture content in the supply chain, construction and in service
Lead organisation – SFM Environmental Solutions
Principal researcher – Professor Gregory Nolan, University of Tasmania
Other participants – Britton Timbers; McKay Investments; Neville Smith Forest Products; Porta Timber; Sustainable Timber Tasmania; University of Queensland; Weathertex; Wesbeam.
Project description – The project aims to understand the moisture content (MC) of wood products and timber in the Australian timber supply chain and develop guidance that allows industry to limit unacceptable MC variation and improve customer confidence.
NT046 – Minimising market-limiting discolouration in appearance Tasmanian hardwood
Lead organisation – Britton Timbers
Principal researcher – Professor Gregory Nolan, University of Tasmania
Other participants – Neville Smith Forest Products; Porta Timber; Sustainable Timber Tasmania
Project description – The project will investigate the cause of market-limiting, grey discolouration and ‘tyre track’ of Tasmanian Plantation Oak (E.nitens), a future resource, as well as process-induced discolouration of appearance Tasmanian hardwood boards, particularly ‘sticker mark’ in Tasmanian Blackwood and Oak.
NT046-Minimising market-limiting discolouration in appearance Tasmanian hardwood- Final Report
NT047 – New methods of reliably demonstrating species durability in commercially relevant timeframes
Lead organisation – Britton Timbers
Principal researcher – Dr Kyra Wood, University of Tasmania
Other participants – Neville Smith Forest Products, Sustainable Timber Tasmania, Porta Timber, McKay Investments Pty Ltd, Private Forests Tasmania, Koppers Performance Chemicals, University of the Sunshine Coast
Project description – The project will explore ways in which to demonstrate acceptable durability of natural and modified Tasmanian hardwood species in commercially relevant timeframes. The project will test material not covered by current durability standards, and establish longer duration comparative trials of testing processes and material performance.
NT048 – Implementation of single-step genomic selection in eucalypts
Lead organisation – Southern Tree Breeding Association
Principal researcher – Dr Tony McRae, STBA and Dr Richard Kerr, University of Tasmania
Other participants – Tree Breeding Australia Limited is being established as a national body and will absorb the businesses of STBA and its subsidiary and PlantPlan Genetics.
Project description – The project will deliver application of single-step genomic selection that has the potential to double the rate of genetic gain in tree improvement programs for hardwood eucalypts by substantially reducing the generation interval and increasing the accuracy of breeding value prediction. This project will enable the technology and test its application on an industrial scale in E. globulus and E. nitens.
NT048 – Implementation of single-step genomic selection in eucalypts – Final Report
NT049 – Improve returns to forest owners by exploring the feasibility of a pellet-based industry in Tasmania
Lead organisation – Biofuels Tasmania
Principal researcher – Lachlan Esplin, Shepherds Lead
Other participants – Whetstone Pty Ltd, FutureMetrics, Synectic Accountants and Advisors, Recycling Technologies Group and Shepherds Lead Group
Project description – The project aims to determine the feasibility of establishing an efficient and profitable wood pelletising industry in Southern Tasmania that converts existing underutilised wood residues and establishes an improved value chain for the Tasmanian forest industry and provide sustainable returns for forest owners.